Hugo Huesca

 Hugo Huesca 's Books

A very well recieved series by Hugo Huesca are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Dungeon Lord- Ancient Traditions, Cold War Rune: A Virtual Reality novel (Rune Universe Book 2), Dungeon Lord (The Wraith's Haunt Book 1), Journey Back to Mars: a sci-fi collection, Rune Universe: A Virtual Reality novel (The RUNE UNIVERSE trilogy Book 1), Edge of Conquest (The Restoration Armada Book 1), Dungeon Lord_Otherworldly Powers, Rune Zero: A Cyberpunk Thriller (Rune Universe), Dungeon Lord (The Wraith's Haunt - A litRPG series Book 1), Dungeon Lord: Otherworldly Powers (The Wraith's Haunt Book 2), Dungeon Lord: Abominable Creatures (The Wraith's Haunt Book 3), Rune Source: A Virtual Universe novel (Rune Universe Book 3), which was published in 2022.